Thursday, December 24, 2020

 This meditation will help you unwind for the day and prepare yourself for sleep.

Remove yourself to a quiet area, you may choose to sit or lay down.

Close your eyes, and imagine yourself completely void of task.

You have completed all of your tasks for the day, and nothing more can be accomplished.

You congratulate yourself on a job well done and invite yourself to rest for the evening.

You begin to focus on your breath, breathing in through your nostrils and out through your mouth. Take a deep breath in through your nostrils and out through your mouth . Breathe in deeply, raising your stomach…

Hold for a moment

And exhale, flattening your belly as you do so.

You are inviting yourself to rest. Raise your stomach up and down with your breath. Concentrate on your breathing. It is glorious and you are alive. You are done with tasks. The day time is over. And you may sleep. Let rest be your reward.

Pay attention to your breath, inhaling, holding, and exhaling, and holding.

Imagine you are on hill, laying in a hammock surrounded by lavender or fragrant flower of your choosing. The smell is relaxing and gentle, it is pleasing to your senses. You inhale deeply to fill your senses, lungs, and belly. You exhale deeply lowering your belly and can almost taste the scent as it leaves your body again. It is a glorious scent and filled with kindness. You continue to breathe deeply, inhaling, and exhaling. The flowers sway in a gentle breeze around you, “Whispering, it is time for sleep, and you deserve rest”. You want to obey the flowers, and agree to go to bed.

Now is the time for you to exit the meditation and to go to sleep. Please do so now. Kindness-Farfari

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